8 Clever Ways To Reuse Eggshells

8 Clever Ways To Reuse Eggshells | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image Credit: Joy Home Remedies via YouTube


Don’t throw out those eggshells just yet, because they still have a lot of benefits and uses. Joy Home Remedies on YouTube compiles every method and everything you need to know about reusing eggshells! Who knows, you might have been using some of these methods already, so read along to find out.



  • Dried eggshells


Add it to your coffee grounds

To mellow out your brew’s bitterness, simply toss a few crushed eggshells into your coffee grinds before putting them in the coffee maker. Eggshells contain mainly calcium, which is alkaline and can absorb some of the acids in coffee, making it taste smoother.


Replace microbead-based cleansers

Microbeads are fantastic for exfoliating, but the tiny particles of plastic are harmful to the environment and the fish that consumes them. Eggshells, on the other hand, are a terrific and eco-friendly option. Simply crush some dried eggshells, then combine with an egg white. You can use this as an exfoliating cleanser or a face mask.

Make an inexpensive calcium supplement

Ground eggshells have been shown to be a good alternative for calcium supplements. In fact, the shell of one egg provides roughly 2 grams of calcium, which is more than double the daily calcium requirement for adults. You can add finely ground eggshells to juices, smoothies, and a variety of foods. Ground shells can also be added to dog or cat food as a calcium supplement. The extra calcium boost helps strengthen their bones and teeth.

Mix them with apple cider vinegar

Helpful remedy for painful, hurting joints. just fill a small jar with apple cider vinegar, add 1 or 2 eggshells and allow it to soak for a couple of days. Eggshells contain nutrients like collagen, chondroitin, glucosamine, and hyaluronic acid, which promote healthy joints, as the eggshells membrane dissolves, these nutrients are infused into the vinegar, offering rapid relief when rubbing the solution onto sore spots.

Eggshells reusing ideas
Image Credit: Joy Home Remedies via YouTube

Make your own household cleaner

Eggshells are naturally abrasive without the hazardous chemicals found in commercial cleaners. To make an excellent multi-purpose household cleaner, mix 1 tablespoon of crushed dried eggshells and 3 tablespoons of baking soda together, then moisten the mixture with a bit of water. This is great for cleaning your stove, pots, counters, and your shower.

Add them to your bird seeds or feed your chickens

Add crushed dried eggshells to your birdseed feeder to give them some much-needed nutrient boost. If you don’t have a feeder, you can simply scatter the crushed shells on the ground and let them eat it.

Use them as seed pots

Just fill half an eggshell with a little bit of potting soil, add a seed, and water it lightly. If you save your egg cartons, you also have the perfect container for holding your seed starts until they’re ready to plant. You can also scatter crushed dried eggshells on your plants to help give them some nutrients as well.

Add to your compost pile

They break down fast and provide a good dose of calcium to the soil along with potassium, magnesium, and other trace minerals, resulting in excellent compost for your plants to thrive in. Make sure you clean them thoroughly to get rid of any bacteria before you start using them.

How to reuse eggshells
Image Credit: Joy Home Remedies via YouTube


*All these images are credited to Joy Home Remedies via YouTube. Give their channel a visit and subscribe for more!

8 Clever Ways To Reuse Eggshells

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