You may have experienced having a ring stuck on your finger at least once in your life, and if you have, then you must know how stressful and truly nerve-wracking it felt. Well, you’re not alone, because many people have also experienced this before, and what’s even worse is that no matter how much they tried to remove the ring, it wasn’t effective and instead it only made the finger swell which in turn made the ring removal even more difficult. If you’re in this situation right now, then you should try this technique that works like magic by DaveHax on YouTube! This trick can easily remove a stuck ring from your finger in just a few minutes using materials that may already have around your house.
- Thin ribbon
- Dental floss
- Toothpick
- Dish soap
Cut a long piece of ribbon, then tuck one end underneath the ring, and out of the other side, you can use a toothpick if you find it too difficult to insert and then slant the ribbon slightly before you start wrapping the ribbon around the knuckle. Continue wrapping the ribbon and spiral it down the finger but not too tight, then hold the other end of the ribbon, and start carefully unwrapping it all the way down the finger. As you do this motion, the ring should slowly release from the knuckle, then keep going until it is loose, and remove it from the finger. If you’re still having difficulty sliding the ribbon over, add some dish soap all over the finger, and try it again. If you don’t have a ribbon, then dental floss would work just fine, make sure you wrap it a few times over the finger.
*These amazing images are all credited to DaveHax via YouTube. Check his other content and follow for more!