The Best Way To Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel

The Best Way To Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube


Stainless steel appliances and surfaces bring a sleek, modern look to any home, but even the most durable materials can show wear and tear over time. Scratches on stainless steel can be particularly frustrating, scarring the polished finish that makes these items so appealing. Fortunately, there’s good news: you don’t have to live with those unsightly marks forever. 


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In this guide from Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube, she will reveal the best methods for removing scratches from stainless steel, helping you restore your appliances and surfaces to their original state. Whether you’re dealing with minor scuffs or deeper grooves, this step-by-step solutions will have your stainless steel looking as good as new!

You’ll Need:

  • Barry’s scratch b-gone stainless steel kit
  • microfiber towel


Step 1

Before starting, test the stainless steel and make sure that it’s uncoated using Barry’s scratch b-gone stainless steel kit. If the strip turns black, then you’re good to go. Now, every kit has four pads, from the least abrasive to the most abrasive. Start with the least abrasive pad first by hooking it to the holder. Once you have hooked the pad, put some of the solution right into the pad, then start going in the direction of the grain. Make about eight to ten strokes, back and forth. After this, set it aside and wipe it clean using a microfiber towel.

Adding the solution to the pad to remove scratches from stainless steel
Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

Step 2

Check if the area has still some scratches. If it does, go ahead and repeat the process. You can also change the pad if you feel like you need a stronger abrasive to remove the scratches.

Removing the scratches from the stainless steel
Image credits: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

The Best Way To Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel

The Best Way To Remove Scratches From Stainless Steel

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