Hard water stains can build up over time on your windows which causes them to look dirty and ugly. Kahuna Window Cleaning on YouTube shows how to remove hard water stains using a few types of equipment that are inexpensive. The toilet bowl cleaner acts more powerful on the window when it is used to clean since it is not diluted as if you were to use it in a toilet. This is a simple and quick hack to do on your windows if you want them to be clear and like new again.


  • #0000​ steel wool. Anything rated as more abrasive will scratch your glass.
  • The works toilet bowl cleaner.
  • Applicator or sponge.
  • PPE
  • Old squeegee (it will get corroded)
  • Spray bottle with soap and water
  • safety glasses
  • gloves


First, use a small applicator you do not use every day and pour the toilet bowl cleaner onto the applicator. Let the toilet bowl cleaner drip down the mirror with the applicator on the bottom to catch the cleaner. Scrub with the steel wool and wipe all over the window with the applicator. Continue to apply evenly over the window and do not let it sit on the window sill. Continue to watch Kahuna Window Cleaning tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details.

Use Toilet Bowl Cleaner To Remove Hard Water Stains - DIY Window Hard Water Stains
Image by Kahuna Window Cleaning via YouTube


Next, take a squeegee to clear the cleaner and water off the window. Spray with water again and repeat the process to wash off all the cleaner. Immediately rinse off the squeegee and applicator. Throw away the steel wool.

Easy Ways To Remove Hard Water Stains - Best Way To Clean Windows
Image by Kahuna Window Cleaning via YouTube

Overall, hard water stains on windows would drive me nuts, and it would be satisfying to clean them off. Be careful with the toilet bowl cleaner and make sure to rinse everything off effectively.

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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