How To Make The House Smell Clean Using Cotton Balls

How To Make The House Smell Clean Using Cotton Balls | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube


Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube gives 7 different ways on how to use cotton balls to make your home smell amazing and how to remove odor. It’s interesting to see some of the spots she chooses to place the cotton balls and how powerful the scent can be.


Garbage can

Add a few drops of essential oils to a cotton ball and drop it at the bottom of the bin before putting it in a new bag.

Smelly shoes

useful home cleaning hacks to make cleaning easy - 7 Cotton Ball Hacks - How To Make House Smell Amazing -
Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

Use a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol to spray the inside of your shoes to remove any bacteria. Add a few drops of essential oils onto the cotton ball and place each one into the shoes.

Garbage disposal

Use a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol to spray down the disposal, and add 10-20 drops of lavender essential oils directly down the drain.


First, put a few drops of essential oils directly onto the sponge or use a couple of cotton balls that are damp in water. Put the essentials onto the cotton balls and microwave them for 30 seconds. Use any of the excess essential oils that are on the cotton balls to wipe around the insides of the microwave.

Light switches

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Image by Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube

Take a cotton ball, spray rubbing alcohol onto it and essential oils. This would freshen the space and remove any build bacteria that may be housed on the surface.

Drawers of clothes

Put a few drops of essential oils on the cotton ball, and place it in the back of the drawer where you may have your underwear or socks. So, every time you may open them, they will smell fresh.

Freezer or fridge

Take pure vanilla extract and a bunch of cotton balls to rub along the shelves all throughout the freezer or refrigerator. The pure vanilla extract contains alcohol so it kills the bacteria and removes the odor.

This cleaning hack is a great idea for those that want lazy or useful tips on how to keep your house smelling amazing using cotton balls.

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