Not everyone has a non-stick pan in their kitchen. Some opt for ceramic or glass cookware because they are the most sustainable, while some opt for stainless steel pans because of their life span. But with stainless steel pans; comes the dilemma of cooking eggs or pancakes without them sticking. This 1-minute trick from Blissfully Random on Youtube can turn a stainless steel pan into a non-stick! With the simple trick called the mercury ball test, cooking eggs on stainless steel pans will be easy as 1-2-3. Learn this clever trick by watching the video below.
- stainless steel pan
- water
Step 1
Put the stainless steel pan on the stove and turn it on to maximum heat for at least a minute. You can check by placing your palm over the pan. If you feel enough heat, it is time to check if the temperature is right. If the temperature is too low, it will stick, if it’s too high, it will stick and burn. This method is called the mercury ball test. It is done with just drops of water. Dip your finger into the water and put a droplet or two in the pan. (but feel free to use a dropper instead if you like). When you are at the right temperature, the water does not evaporate with a hiss but forms a small ball around the pan – very similar to a mercury ball.
Step 2
If the temperature is too low, the water evaporates, so you need to wait 10 to 20 seconds to test again. If the temperature is too high, the water will create many small balls, in which case, set the pan aside and wait for a minute before trying again. When the right temperature is reached and the water forms a ball, dry it out using a napkin, turn the stove one level down, then add 3 to 4 drops of oil and proceed to cook anything you like.