How To Make Large Jeans Fit You Perfectly

How To Make Large Jeans Fit You Perfectly | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via YouTube


Finding the perfect pair of jeans can feel like a victory, but what if you’re faced with the dilemma of owning a pair that’s a tad too large? Don’t fret – with a few simple tricks and adjustments, you can transform those oversized jeans into a perfectly fitting, flattering wardrobe staple. I never knew this was possible, all thanks to Smart Fox I can now wear my worn-out jeans!


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In this step-by-step instruction, Smart Fox will demonstrate how to make your large jeans fit you perfectly. Whether you purchased a large one or you have stretched-out jeans due to their age, this tutorial is perfect for you. Say goodbye to baggy bottoms and hello to jeans that fit you like a dream! Watch the video below to learn how, or continue reading down for the full written instructions.

You’ll Need:

  • large jeans
  • large pot
  • water
  • salt


Step 1

To start, check your jeans to see if it contain elastane or any synthetic materials as heat will damage them. Next, add 1/4 cup salt to a large pot, then pour 1 liter of water. (Salt will prevent the jeans from fading out.) Stir together until salt dissolves completely. After this, add more water enough to submerge the entire pair of jeans.

Adding salt to a large pot of water
Image credits: Smart Fox via YouTube

Step 2

Now, turn on the stove and wait for the water to slowly start to simmer. Once it gets boiling, turn down the heat and let it simmer gently for ten minutes. Once ten minutes is over, pour the pot into the sink and rinse the jeans with cold running water. After this, wring up the jeans and hang them up to dry.

Rinsing the jeans after boiling it
Image credits: Smart Fox via YouTube

How To Make Large Jeans Fit You Perfectly

How To Make Large Jeans Fit You Perfectly

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