I finally decided to make my own laundry soap, and I went searching online for the perfect recipe and when I found this awesome year-long laundry soap supply by One Good Thing By Lillee, on YouTube, I knew it would work because it had all of my favorite ingredients. The most amazing thing I realized was that every time I was doing a load of laundry, I was basically making this soap per load. Crazy, right? Why not just make a big vat of this wonderful soap from the get-go.
Ingredients For Homemade Laundry Soap:
- 3 bars of Fels Naptha (or Zote Soap, grated)
- 1 box of Borax
- 1 box of washing soda
- 2 cups of baking soda
- 2 containers of Oxy oxygen bleach
- 1 to 2 container of Purex fabric softening crystals (optional)
In this awesome year-long laundry soap supply by One Good Thing By Lillee, on YouTube, you will learn how to make your own laundry soap at home that will last for a very long time and will get your clothes sparkling clean. First, you will grate the Fels Naptha soap, either in a food processor or by hand with a cheese grater. You can also use Zote soap, or some people like to use Dr. Bronner’s soap, whatever you prefer is fine.
Then, you will mix all of your ingredients in a kitchen-size trash bag, then pour the laundry soap mixture into your container of choice.
This is a great homemade soap recipe, and it really gets your clothes sparkling clean.