How To Make English Muffins

How To Make English Muffins | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Bigger Bolder Baking Via YouTube


English muffins are by far my favorite bread on the planet. There is nothing more comforting for a Sunday breakfast than eggs Benedict served over English muffins. When I saw this video recipe tutorial for English muffins by Bigger Bolder Baking on Youtube, I knew I had found one of those recipes that I was going to memorize and keep as a part of my permanent repertoire. The best part about this awesome recipe is the fact that these muffins do not require being cooked in the oven. They are a griddled cooked flatbread, which makes this recipe even easier.



  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon instant dry yeast
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon butter


In this video recipe tutorial for English muffins by Bigger Bolder Baking on Youtube, you will learn exactly how too make the perfect Englis muffin from scratch. You start by making a very basic dough and letting it rise for 18 hours. The long rising time gives you a subtle ferment, which causes all the nice bubbles in the English muffins.

How To Make Scratch Fermented Dough For English Muffins
Image By: Bigger Bolder Baking Via YouTube

Then, you will cook the English muffins on a slow griddle or frying skillet. I love to use my cast iron for this type of recipe.

Cook Scratch English Muffins On A Cast Iron Griddle
Image By: Bigger Bolder Baking Via YouTube

I can’t begin to describe my sheer delight over this recipe, I really love it!

How To Make English Muffins

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