How to Make Bananas Last Longer

How to Make Bananas Last Longer | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by OnePotChefShow via YouTube


I think we can all relate to buying a bunch of bananas and thinking they will last for the whole week but end up getting brown and spotty after a few days. You can still eat them, but the texture and taste might be different. If you have brown bananas you have forgotten about, I suggest you use them to make Chocolate Chip Banana Bread or Banana Oatmeal Pancakes. They are perfect for these baking recipes since they are sweeter and softer.


RELATED: Turn Ripe Bananas Into This Fluffy Bread

If you are not a fan of brown bananas, there is a simple trick you can do to slow down the ripening process. All you need is a cling wrap or a plastic bag. It is an effective method for extending the life of this fruit. Let OnePotChefShow show you how to make bananas last longer with the tutorial below. Keep on reading or watch the video at the end of this article.

Here’s another tip you might want to try: How to Make Your Avocados Last Longer

What You Need to Slow Down The Ripening Of Bananas

  • cling wrap or plastic bag
  • adhesive tape

What You Need to Slow Down The Ripening Of <yoastmark class=

How to Stop Bananas From Ripening Too Quickly

Take your cling wrap and cut a long rectangular piece. Wrap it on the stem, making sure it is fully covered. You can use adhesive tape to keep it in place. The plastic wrap will stop the ethylene glasses from releasing from the stem. Ethylene gases cause a fruit to ripen faster. It makes produce brown and spotty quickly.

You can also do this trick on a bunch. You just want to make sure to wrap the stems in between each piece as well. Do it as tightly as you can to keep the ethylene gas from releasing.

How to Stop <yoastmark class=

How to Make Bananas Last Longer

How to Make Bananas Last Longer

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