How To Make Baked Potato Puffs

How To Make Baked Potato Puffs | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Food Wishes via YouTube


This baked potato puffs recipe is a classic French fry side or dish that’s made by Food Wishes on YouTube. The ingredients listed are to make 12 mini ones, so, double the ingredients if you need to make a bigger batch. It’s simple to make these and doesn’t require many ingredients either. Also, it’s known as “pomme dauphine”, so this is a great way to turn those leftover mashed potatoes into something different. It’s light, airy, and could go great as a side dish or snack. This could be a different way to serve potatoes during the holidays. Also, these can be deep-fried for a crispier taste. However, I would bake these instead because they would be healthier. Plus, John from Food Wishes creates all kinds of videos that are unique and gives many alternatives too.



  • 1 cup cooked, plain mashed potatoes (Yukon or Russet)
  • salt and cayenne to taste
  • small pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
  • butter for the muffin tin

For the pastry dough:

  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 large egg


First, cook and boil the potatoes until they are tender without falling apart. After, mash the potatoes and create the puff pastry dough. Mix the potato and dough together.

Use Mashed Potatoes To Make Potato Puffs - Deep Fry Mashed Potatoes
Image by Food Wishes via YouTube

Then, continue to watch Food Wishes tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details. Scoop the potato mixture into a mini muffin tin pan that’s nicely buttered and bake for about 20 minutes at 450F.

Potato Puffs Recipe - Breakfast Ideas - Snack Recipes
Image by Food Wishes via YouTube

Note: you can change the ratio of the dough to potato depending on the kind of texture you prefer. With less potato, it will be like a potato fritter, and with more potato, it would be more of deep-fried mashed potato. I’ve never seen anything like these, and they remind me of the cream puff dessert.

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