How to Make a Toy Shelf from an Old Tire

How to Make a Toy Shelf from an Old Tire | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Riverside Creations via Youtube


Get creative and learn how to make a toy shelf from an old tire through this tutorial by Riverside Creations on Youtube. It’s a fun and clever way to display small lightweight toys. My kids love it and I’m sure toy car collectors will like this too. Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.



  • tire 20″ in diameter and 1.96″ thick
  • 5/8 inch thick cedar fencing
  • any led strips
  • screws
  • 2″ spacers
  • marker
  • wood stain
  • sandpaper

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Step 1:

Cut the 5/8 inch thick cedar fencing into 2″ sections.

Step 2:

Place two spacers in between the 6 slats of 2″ wood.

Step 3:

Take your tire and place it in position. You can leave a big gap on top for mounting or place it in the center so it’s evenly spaced at the bottom and top.

How to Make a Toy Shelf from an Old Tire project
Image by Riverside Creations via Youtube


Step 4:

Trace the inside circle of the tire onto the wood slats.

Step 5:

Figure how far in you want the slats to be. For this project, he used a 3 1/4″ allowance. Make sure to mark them on the slats.

Step 6:

Sew them on the marks using a saw and sand them really well. Once all sides are smooth, stain them.

Step 7:

Place the slats inside the tire with spacers in between to test if they fit properly, then take them out.

Step 8:

Place an LED strip around the inside of the tire.

Step 9:

Place them inside the tire with the small pieces on top and bottom. Push the smallest piece on the bottom first, then add 2 pieces of spacers. Push the next slats with spacers in between each piece, then screw the slats in place. Be sure not to screw them too hard.

How to Make a Toy Shelf from an Old Tire Tutorial
Image by Riverside Creations via Youtube

Step 10:

Once everything’s held in tight, remove the spacers and hang them on the wall.



How to Make a Toy Shelf from an Old Tire

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