10 Easiest Vegetables That You Can Grow In Containers

10 Easiest Vegetables That You Can Grow In Containers | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Natural Ways via YouTube


If you’ve space or spare containers in your house and don’t know what to do with them, then try growing your own food, and harvest them when ready to cook. They are so much better than store-bought because they are healthier, fresh, and inexpensive, too. Find out which veggies to plant with this video tutorial by Natural Ways on YouTube.



  • Beets
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Eggplant
  • Radishes
  • Swiss Chard
  • Green Onions
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Herbs


1.) Beets – great container crops that are super easy to grow. Simply soak the seeds in warm water for a few hours before sowing them to speed up the germination process. Make sure to sow a few seeds every couple of weeks to avoid a glut, this way you can harvest them all through summer.

2.) Potatoes – these need deep soil and a lot of room to grow, so make sure to plant them in long containers like barrels or dustbins.


3.) Carrots – same as potatoes, they also need deep soil but if you want to plant them in containers, then make sure to use short-rooted varieties of carrots. Sow them thinly about 2cm to  3cm apart and then water them during dry periods. Make sure to be careful not to bruise or crush the foliage as the smell may attract carrot flies.

4.) Eggplant – find any pot that is about 5 inches deep, then insert a stake for the eggplant to crawl and cling to, and proceed to sow the seeds.

5.) Radishes – these are good crops for beginners as they are trouble-free and you can harvest them in as fast as 1 month. Simply sow little and often, then water them well, and have a continuous supply!

How to Grow Your Own Food
Image credit: Natural Ways via YouTube

6.) Swiss Chard – this crop is related to spinach and beetroot, and it usually has a stunning green leaf. Its stems are also popular in the kitchen because they are super colorful, plus, they come in a variety of colors, too.

7.) Green Onions – this crop does not need deep soil to grow and they are also super easy to grow. You can have an endless supply of this to use for your salad or other dishes.

8.) Spinach –they are great crops to grow in containers and they are full of leafy green goodness. Simply fill a container with rich compost, then put the spinach seedlings in a spot with light shade, and water generously during the dry weather to prevent them from tasting bitter.

9.) Lettuce  – sow one or two at intervals so that they don’t all mature at the same time and you can have some harvest while waiting for the others to grow. Plant them in rich soil, then water them in the morning rather than in the evening, and cut the head once the firm heart is formed.

10.) Herbs – they are super easy to in containers and are the best to plant in your house to use them in ingredients. Plant thyme, chives, mint, sage, parsley, oregano, and rosemary outdoors, then basil and coriander by the kitchen window-sill, and you’re done.

How to Grow Vegetables in Containers
Image credit: Natural Ways via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Natural Ways via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to their channel for more!

10 Easiest Vegetables That You Can Grow In Containers

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