How To Grow Vegetables From Kitchen Scraps

How To Grow Vegetables From Kitchen Scraps | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by. @mybrentwoodgarden via Instagram.


Mary’s Nest has created a money-saving gem with this YouTube video. I just couldn’t wait to share it with all of you. The process of re-plating vegetables is so much easier than you’d think, and in just two weeks, you can have a large garden growing.


Materials Needed For This Project:

  • Scissors
  • Water
  • Knife
  • Glass Containers
  • Toothpicks

Directions For Each Vegetable:


To regrow a potato, you will want to start with a potato that has a lot of eyes on it. If the eyes are already budding, that is even better. Cut the potato down the middle at an angle. You will want to be sure there are at least two eyes on each potato. Next, place the potato slices onto a piece of paper towel to dry out for a day, then you can plant them. This process will work for any kind of potato.


When your celery gets down to about two inches left on the stock, this is the section you will use. Set the celery down onto a plate that has a bit of a lip on it and some water. Just make sure the base submerged too deep into the water.


To start a yellow onion plant, begin by slicing the root end of your onion off. Place the onion slice into the water root side down. Leave the top of the onion slice out of the water.

Re-Grow Yellow Onions - Kitchen Scraps Garden

Image by. Mary’s Nest via YouTube video.

For green onions, just place the base of the green onion into the water and allow it to continue re-growing. These will grow within days, so you can re-plant them quickly. This process can be done with leaks too.

How To Re-Grow Onions - Kitchen Garden

Image by. Mary’s Nest via YouTube video.



Place a garlic bud into a jar of water. Change the water regularly, and once you see a green sprout it is ready to plant.


For lettuce and bok choy, the process is the same. Cut off two or three inches from the bottom and submerge the base of that into some water.

For more ways to re-grow your kitchen scraps, check out Mary’s Nest YouTube video down below.

Grow Vegetables From Kitchen Scraps

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