How to Grow Bean Sprouts in Plastic Cups

How to Grow Bean Sprouts in Plastic Cups | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: EY - Gardening


Do you love bean sprouts on your salad? Or maybe you prefer stir-frying them? I am sure you have a lot of favorite recipes using these light vegetables. But did you know you can easily produce them at home? Yes, you can. We will teach you how to grow bean sprouts in plastic cups and it is simpler than you might have expected. Bean sprouts are very healthy and can be paired with any meat like pork, chicken, or fish. You can even cook them with noodles.  Learn how to cultivate them with this easy tutorial by EY – Gardening on Youtube.



  • 6 plastic cups
  • mung beans
  • container
  • water
  • soldering iron or anything to poke the bottom of the cups
  • clean towel or cloth
  • black plastic bag


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Step 1:

Place the mung beans on a container and fill it with water. Soak them for a few hours and wait till they get soft.

Step 2:

Get your 3 cups and create holes at the bottom using the soldering iron. You can also use a screwdriver. Just heat the tip with a candle, and you can already use it to create the drains.

Step 3:

Once the mung beans soften, drain the water and place them inside the cups. Make sure to put a tray on the bottom of the cups.  Then soak the towels in water, then squeeze out some of the water. Place them on top of the beans.

How to Grow Bean Sprouts in Plastic Cups Steps
Image by: EY – Gardening


Step 4:

Using the black plastic bag, cover the plastic cups and leave for a while. You’ll see the bean sprouts growing. Get the 3 remaining plastic cups and partially fill them with water. Place the plastic cups with mung beans on top and wait 3 seconds, then remove from the water. Soak it 3 times per day: morning, noon, and night. And return the plastic bag once done.

How to Grow Bean Sprouts in Plastic Cups Tutorial
Image by: EY – Gardening


Step 5:

After 3 days, you’ll see the beans have grown.  Pour water on the cups and cover with a black or brown towel.

Step 6:

On day 4, it’s time to harvest them. Remove from paper cups and put in a container.


How to Grow Bean Sprouts in Plastic Cups

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