If you are under too much stress, you’ll probably notice that your hair is getting thinner. It might be bothersome for some people. Want to know how to get thicker hair naturally? Try to use these five ingredients, recommended by Dr. Josh Axe! By using these, you’ll get thicker, healthier, and fuller hair in no time. Watch the video below for the full explanation.
1. Aloe vera gel or juice
They help naturally strengthen and thicken the hair. Drinking one cup a day of aloe vera juice can really help to get the result that you want. It’s also great for the digestive system and regulating your hormones.
2. Collagen protein
Collagen protein, bone broth, or protein powder. Our skin, hair, and nails are made up of type 1 and 3 collagen, so consuming these are especially beneficial. Did you know that most of us today do not get enough collagen in our diet? It has so many benefits for your health.
3. Biotin
This is a type of B vitamin that help strengthen your nails, skin, and hair. One to two caps daily or whatever is prescribed on the supplement is ideal. It also helps with your energy levels.
4. Rosemary essential oil
This contains a compound called rosemaric acid that naturally thickens hair. Take about 5 drops and mix it with a little bit of aloe vera gel or warm olive oil. Massage it to your scalp for about a minute. Leave it for 30 minutes to an hour. It helps with female and male baldness.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids
You need to get omega-3s EPA DHA and ALA in your diet daily about a thousand to three thousand mg. You can do this in capsule form, a tablespoon a day, or consume wild-caught salmon or different types of fish.