How to Get Rid of House Mice in 4 Easy Steps

How to Get Rid of House Mice in 4 Easy Steps | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Solutions Pest & Lawn via YouTube


Do you see any mouse activity in your home and don’t know how to catch them? Let Solutions Pest & Lawn help you get rid of house mice in 4 easy steps. Follow these tips and you will no longer see them roaming around.


1 – Identification

A house mouse measures about 2 to 3 inches, while adult rats can be around 7 to 10 inches. Mice also have larger ears for their head size than rats. You can also check their droppings. Mice droppings are smaller with pointed ends and a smaller tail-shaped residue at the end.

How to Get Rid of House Mice in 4 Easy Steps Tutorial
Image by Solutions Pest & Lawn via YouTube

2 – Inspection

Mice have oily fur. Check for grease or smear marks along your walls or baseboards. Keep a nose out for foul odors as well. Mouse droppings and urine leave behind a strong scent. You can also check for tears or holes in your food packaging.

Check underneath the cabinets in your kitchen or bathrooms, inside of pantries, and behind appliances. Don’t forget the garage, attic, and basement.

Check storage containers and clutter against the walls. Also, the outside of your home or structure to see how the mice are entering.

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3 – Treatment

Wear the proper personal protective equipment, especially gloves. Start by sanitizing your home. Wipe your stovetop and pantry shelves. Put away your pet food and other dry goods. Sweep up dirt and food crumbs. Declutter your garage, attic, or basement.

How to Get Rid of House Mice in 4 Easy Steps Tips
Image by Solutions Pest & Lawn via YouTube


Seal any opening in the exterior of your home. You can use copper mesh for the openings.

Use a combination of mouse poison, bait blocks, snap traps, and glue traps. Catch as many mice as you can. Place the bait stations along walls about 8 to 10 feet apart where you’ve seen mouse activity. Use the bait blocks with the solutions mouse bait stations. Check them every 7 to 10 days.

For mouse traps, bait without setting them for several days to gain the mouse’s trust. Use peanut butter for your trap instead of cheese.

4 – Prevention

Eliminate food and water sources by cleaning up around kitchens and bathrooms. Store food in air-tight containers. Take out the garbage and clean food crumbs.


How to Get Rid of House Mice in 4 Easy Steps

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