Here’s an easy and inexpensive remedy for your persistent hornets, yellow jackets, and wasps problem! Plus, you can use this method with ants too. Not only will you be able to get rid of one insect but their whole colony or hive. Just remember to put this solution out of your pets or children’s reach as this can be dangerous for them too. Thanks to – Cougar Ridge Ranch on YouTube for this helpful hack!
- Juice or sugary liquid
- 1-3 teaspoons of Boric Acid or Borax
- ½ gallon of liquid
- Blender, optional (to mix the ingredients well)
- Sugar
- Water
- ¼ tsp-¼ cup of Boric Acid or Borax
- 1 cup of powdered sugar
Step 1
Mix together 1 to 3 teaspoons of Boric Acid or Borax in every half a gallon of liquid, you can use juice or any sugary liquid/ drink. After they are well combined, transfer the solution mixture to a container, it can be old juice bottles or pop cans. Put a long stick in the can or bottle so that the insects can have something to climb in and out. This will also allow them to take the drink back to their colony or hive, so don’t put too much liquid in each can to not drown them.
Step 2
Another solution that you can use, but this time it also works for ants. Mix together one part of sugar with 2 parts of water, as well as a few teaspoons of Boric Acid until well combined, and then put it inside an empty and unwashed cat food or tuna fish can. The leftover food as well as the sugar water mixture will attract the ants. Place them out of the sun and wind to dehydrate the sugar water mixture. This will make the mixture thick and will hide the taste of poison.
Step 3
For those who don’t want to use liquid, try using a dry powder mixture instead. Simply mix together ¼ teaspoon to ¼ cup of Boric Acid or Borax in about 1 cup of powdered sugar, then once combined, sprinkle this mixture where you usually see ants. It may take 5-14 days to kill their colony. You’ll notice fewer & fewer ants visiting the area until none will come back because the colony is sick, dying, or dead.
*All these images are credited to – Cougar Ridge Ranch via YouTube. Give his channel a visit and subscribe for more!