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What’s that nasty smell coming from your refrigerator? It could be caused by bacteria, mold, or rotting food. Spills from liquid products create a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. Spoiled food left in your fridge can emit foul smells. Plastics, which often make up the interior of most fridges, can easily absorb these smells. This is why cleaning your refrigerator is the first step to removing bad odors. It won’t smell fresh until you eliminate the sources of the problem.
RELATED: How to Naturally Clean and Remove Odor From Microwave
If it still smells after cleaning the spills and removing leftover food, try these simple tips by ShareHows. These hacks use natural products like bread, orange peels, and coffee grounds to get rid of unpleasant smells. They’re cheap, effective, and do not contain any harmful chemicals. Try them and see if they work for you.
Check out these other hacks: Quick Way to Remove Odors From Plastic Containers
Take a slice of bread and wrap it with aluminum foil. Using a skewer or chopsticks, poke several holes, then place it in your refrigerator.
For better results, toast the bread until it’s burned. Let it cool for a few minutes, then wrap it with aluminum foil and poke holes. The burned bread will act as an activated carbon absorbent.
Peel oranges and place them in a net bag. Place the bag inside the refrigerator and change it frequently since it’s a fruit peel.
For better deodorizing effects, use dried peels.
You need coffee grounds that are fully dried. Get some reusable tea bags and fill them with coffee grounds. Put as many as you want according to the strength of the odor.