Image by DIY Homestead Projects via YouTube
Ants are one of the most common insects you can find in houses all around the world. They can be black or red. The red types we mostly see are more aggressive and can be seen outdoors, compared to the black ones that are not as fierce and preferred indoors. These small black creatures may not bite, but they can cause property damage! This simple solution by DIY Homestead Projects will teach you how to get rid of black ants easily.
RELATED: 3 Cheap Tricks to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home
This DIY solution only requires three simple ingredients. You need the bread to kill the baby ants and the liquid for the adult ants. It is effective in killing both black and red ants, even wasps! So, if you have these loud buzzing insects at home too and want to get rid of the infestation, you might want to try this trick.
Note: if you have pets or children at home, you might want to use small containers with lids and drill a small hole in the side
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Make the solution. Place a funnel on the mouth of a jug and put 3 teaspoons of the boric acid powder, then fill it with the apple juice. Place the cap and shake. You might want to experiment with the mixture. It should not kill the ants instantly, you want them to drink it, take it back to the nest, and share it with the rest.
Pour into the bottle caps and add tiny bits of bread. Place it in areas where you see ants. Keep this away from children or pets at home. You can put this on capsules with small holes, so ants can go in and out and get the solution. This will make sure that it won’t spill when it tips over. Let it sit for a few days. Once you see the ants trailing to the bait, follow them and move the solution closer to their entry point. Look outside and see if you can find ant trails going inside your home. Seal up those entry points.