How To Get Pet Hair Out Of The Car With A Shower Squeegee

How To Get Pet Hair Out Of The Car With A Shower Squeegee | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Epic Car Show Detailing Via YouTube


We all love our pets, and most of us love to take them along on trips, but their hair can get so stuck into the car carpet that it seems almost glued in. There are many products on the market that can remove pet hair from the car carpet, and they probably all work, I haven’t tried many of them. I found a wonderful video tutorial by Epic Car Show Detailing, on YouTube, that described how to remove pet hair with a shower squeegee, that looked so easy I had to try it!


Materials For Cleaning The Pet Hair From Your Car:

  • A shower squeegee
  • A  vacuum


In this wonderful video tutorial by Epic Car Show Detailing, on YouTube, you will learn to rid your car carpet and seats of pet hair. All you need is a shower squeegee.

Easy Car Cleaning Ideas - Clean Pet Hair With A Shower Squeegee - Easy Car Cleaning Hacks
Image By: Epic Car Show Detailing Via YouTube

Then, you will rake all of the pet hair to one area and vacuum it.


Easy Car Cleaning Ideas - Clean Pet Hair With A Shower Squeegee - Easy Car Cleaning Hacks
Image By: Epic Car Show Detailing Via YouTube

This is a wonderful idea for the car, it is cheap and really works.

How To Get Pet Hair Out Of The Car With A Shower Squeegee

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