How to Freeze Potatoes the Right Way

How to Freeze Potatoes the Right Way | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by By Eya


Potatoes are well-loved by everyone as they taste good in different recipes or even on their own. You can fry, boil, or bake them with just seasonings – a delicious snack in an instant. That’s why preparing the potatoes beforehand makes your recipes faster. This will definitely reduce the total time of each dish! Learn how to freeze potatoes the right way with this awesome technique from By Eya on Youtube.



Step 1:

Fill a large pot with water and place over heat. Let it boil while preparing the potatoes.

Step 2:

You can either keep or remove the skin of the potatoes. It’s up to your preference. If you are going to keep the skin, make sure to wash them very well. Use a brush to remove all the dirt, especially on the crevices. Let them soak for a couple of minutes in clean water before you slice them.

How to Freeze Potatoes the Right Way Steps
Image by By Eya


Step 3:

You can slice them in cubes (this is for mashed potato-style recipes) or in wedges. Once done, throw the sliced potatoes in the boiling water and let them cook for 5 minutes. While waiting for the potatoes, prepare a bowl with ice cubes and water. After 5 minutes, take the potatoes off the pot using a strainer to remove some of the hot water, then put on the ice-cold water. This will stop the cooking process of the potatoes. Do not freeze your potatoes raw because they are going to turn brown and they are not going to cook correctly.

How to Freeze Potatoes the Right Way Tutorial
Image by By Eya


Step 4:

Once the potatoes are cold, drain them very well and place them in a clean towel for a couple of minutes. Let them dry as you don’t want them to be soaking wet when you freeze them.

Step 5:

Prepare the non-stick baking sheet. Make sure the ones you’ll use will fit your freezer. If you don’t have non-stick trays, you can just use parchment paper. Place the potatoes and make sure to separate each one. You don’t want them to stick to each other.

Step 6:

Place the potatoes in the freezer for 6 hours or overnight on the tray. After that, you can transfer them to a ziplock bag and place them back inside the freezer.


How to Freeze Potatoes the Right Way

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