4 Tips On How To Easily Clean Your Leather Furniture

4 Tips On How To Easily Clean Your Leather Furniture | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: ehowathomechannel via Youtube


A common misconception about leather furniture is that they are hard to clean. But worry no more; these genius tips from ehowathomechannel on Youtube will help you clean your leather next time! Who would have thought cleaning leather is not as difficult as some people seem to make it? It’s actually pretty easy to clean, and some stains even fade away over time! Watch the video tutorial below to learn these amazing tips.


Saddle Soap

Dampen your saddle soap, rub it onto a wet cloth, and wipe your leather furniture.

Use saddle soap to clean your leather furniture
Image credits: ehowathomechannel via Youtube

White Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil

Combine 1 cup of white vinegar and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Now, take a cloth and dampen it. Wipe it on the area of your leather furniture.


Removing Grease Stain

When you have some grease on your leather furniture, take some cornstarch and sprinkle it onto the grease stain. Leave it for about half an hour and then just wipe it away. Remember that the faster you can attend to it, the better because sometimes, this is all you need to remove all the grease away from your leather.

Removing Ballpoint Ink Stain

When removing ballpoint ink from your leather furniture, you can either use shaving cream and put that onto the area or a hairspray. Just make sure to test everything in an inconspicuous area first. But using either hairspray or shaving cream on ballpoint ink is sometimes all you need to get rid of it. Oftentimes, if you leave a ballpoint ink stain on your leather it will fade away over time.

Use shaving cream or hairspray to remove ballpoint ink stain to a leather furniture
Image credits: ehowathomechannel via Youtube

4 Tips On How To Easily Clean Your Leather Furniture

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