How to Easily Clean White Shoes

How to Easily Clean White Shoes | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by JairWoo via YouTube


Everyone has to have a pair of basic white shoes. It saves you a lot of time from thinking about whether your shoes match your outfit, as it goes well with different colors and patterns. A pair of white shoes is definitely a fashion must-have. The only problem with owning a pair is that it gets dirty easily. If you use it all the time, dirt and dust will accumulate and will turn your white shoes to gray or brown.


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That is the downside of having white shoes. But do not worry, there’s an easy way to clean them. If your shoes got yellow stains from trying other shoe-cleaning tricks before, give this method by JairWoo on YouTube a try.

Learn how to easily clean white shoes with the step-by-step instructions below.

For more shoe tips, check these out: How to Deodorize Your Shoes Using CoffeeEasy Hack to Make Muddy Shoes White AgainHow To Make Your Shoes Water-Proof Using Candles

What You Need to Clean White Shoes

  • baking soda
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • mixing bowl
  • old toothbrush

How to Clean Dirty White Shoes

Step 1:

Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of water, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the bowl. Mix with the old toothbrush to make a paste.

What You Need to Clean White Shoes
Image by JairWoo via YouTube

Step 2:

Remove the laces from your shoes first. Scrub the mixture to your shoes. Make sure not to soak your shoes too much. Do about two layers. Do the same for your laces.

How to Clean Dirty White Shoes 
Image by JairWoo via YouTube

Step 3:

Place your shoes out for about 4 hours.

Step 4:

After 4 hours, it should be dry. Slap your shoes together to remove the remaining residue. Scrub the remaining with a dry old toothbrush.

If there are still stains, repeat the process.

How to Easily Clean White Shoes

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