How To Easily Baste A Quilt With Pool Noodles

How To Easily Baste A Quilt With Pool Noodles | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: On Williams Street via Youtube


Basting is probably my least favorite part when it comes to quilting, as it could sometimes get tedious. Luckily, my quilting life just got easier! This pool noodles method technique from On Williams Street on Youtube uses pool noodles to baste a quilting project easily. It’s not a problem whether you pin or spray baste; this method works on either of the two! Watch the video tutorial below today to learn this super effective method.



  • 3 pcs. pool noodles
  • your quilt project


Step 1

Lay down your quilt on your dining table or any big table. Now, you’ll first roll all the different parts: quilt top, quilt batting, and quilt backing separately. (When you’re looking for what noodles to use, definitely get the longest ones you can find.) Now, have your top down first, right side facing up, and start rolling from the bottom of the quilt. Put the noodle along the tab and start rolling. (Keep it tight as you can and the edges lined up.) After you’ve finished, repeat the process on your batting and backing. When you get to your backing, make sure that it is right-side down.

Rolling the quilt top using pool noodles
Image credits: On Williams Street via Youtube


Step 2

(This method will work whether you’re spray basting or pin basting.) Now, unroll enough of your backing, then take your batting and unroll enough to fit the table, lining it up along the bottom. Make sure everything is smooth. Next, lift the batting, spray, then smooth it back out. After this, add the top. After lining it, lift it, spray it, then put it back down. Now, if you’re pin basting after you unroll each part, you can just start adding your pins. After the first section is done, push all three noodles off the edge of the table, unroll the top, spray it if you’re spray basting, then unroll the batting right on slowly, spray again, then roll out the top. If you’re pinning, you can start pinning down this section. Repeat this process until you’ve rolled out your top, batting, and backing to the end.

Unrolling the quilt parts then spray basting them
Image credits: On Williams Street via Youtube

How To Easily Baste A Quilt With Pool Noodles

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