Before you consider buying a new shower head, have a look at this ingenious tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube. In this excellent tutorial, I found, you will learn how to clean off all of the limescale on your showerhead, and clear out all of the clogged water holes, is to soak it in a zip lock bag with white distilled vinegar. You will leave the showerhead in the bag of vinegar overnight and just dump out the bag in the morning, and you will have a smooth running clean shower head.
Materials For The Shower Head Descaling:
- 1 Gallon Zip-Lock Bag
- White Vinegar
- An Elastic Hairband
In this ingenious tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube, you will learn how to clean off all of the limescale on your showerhead in a couple of easy steps. You will begin by pouring the white vinegar into a plastic zip-lock bag.
Then, you will submerge your shower head, then you will close the bag with an elastic band, and let stand overnight.
This is a really excellent way to clean your shower head, that requires very little effort at all.