How To Cook Juicy Chicken Breast In 3 Different Ways

How To Cook Juicy Chicken Breast In 3 Different Ways | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by FlavCity with Bobby Parrish via YouTube


Chicken breast can be either too dry or undercooked, but FlavCity with Bobby Parrish on YouTube shows 3 ways on how to cook the juiciest chicken breast. The techniques in this video shows how easy it is to make chicken at home without stress. I know there are many people who avoid making chicken breast because it doesn’t come out juicy. There are tips included in this video that helps avoid the pitfalls that most home cooks make. Bobby recommends skipping the chicken breast that has added hormones, and choose the organic ones because it’s more flavorful and the texture is better.


Pan-seared chicken breast:

Juicy Chicken Kitchen Basics - Simple Chicken Breast Hacks - Tips on How To Cook Chicken Breast
Image by FlavCity with Bobby Parrish via YouTube

First, start off by slicing the chicken tender off the chicken breast. The chicken breast needs to be flatten out so it’s more manageable to cook, so layer a plastic wrap down over a cutting board, lay down the chicken breast, and another plastic wrap on top. Use a rolling pin or a meat mallet to pound down and out to become thinner. This will cook the chicken breast quicker, and more evenly. Allow the chicken breast to sit out for about 20 minutes to get to room temperature before cooking. The best sear would be to use a cast iron skillet, but you can still use a nonstick pan. Preheat for 2 minutes over medium-high heat. Once cooked, let the chicken rest for 5 minutes before slicing.

Baked chicken breast:

I love making baked chicken breast because it’s one of the healthier options, and it tends to come out more moist. First, preheat the oven to 450F.  Drizzle olive oil on the chicken breast on both sides and place it on a baking tray with parchment paper. Season the chicken, and put it in the oven for 15 minutes. It’s easy to overcook the chicken in the oven, so, it’s nice to invest in a thermometer. Stick it in the chicken when it’s 13-14 minutes, and once it’s at 155 degrees, it’s ready.

Poached chicken breast:

Oven-Baked Chicken Recipes - Healthy chicken Recipes - Juicy Chicken Recipes
Image by FlavCity with Bobby Parrish via YouTube
I’ve never had poached chicken breast before, but it’s a healthy way too since it’s not drizzled with any olive oil. Start with a pan of cold water, and add a lot of ingredients to flavor the water such as sage, rosemary, thyme, lemon slices, smashed garlic, peppercorn, bay leaf, and salt. Place the chicken breast in the pan and turn the stove on to medium-high heat. Once the the water simmers, bring it down to medium-low heat. I think this is such a delicate techqniue, so monitor the heat for about 10 minutes. Let them rest at 5 minutes before slicing.
Overall, I love cooking, but I’ve learned a few new techniques on how to make juicy chicken breast, and now I will never overcook chicken.

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