Image by Aurikatariina via Youtube
Grime can easily build up if you always use your oven. But do not worry! There’s a simple way to remove that nasty grease. Let Aurikatariina teach you how to clean your oven like a professional with this technique. It’s super easy to do and will make it look good as new. Keep on reading or watch the video below for full instructions.
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Wear your cleaning gloves and take everything off of the oven.
Spray any oven cleaner on the sides and bottom of the oven, then cover with cling wrap. This will prevent the detergent from drying out. Usually, the back of the oven is removable. Just do the same process with the back of the oven as the sides. Let it sit for at least an hour. If you have more time, let it sit for more hours.
For the oven glass, spray one cleaner and spread it out with a scrub sponge. Next, hold the scraper at an angle and remove the grime. Once done, use a rag to remove all grime. If you are afraid to scratch your oven, you can try it with a small area first.
After at least an hour, remove the cling wrap and scrub the sides and bottom. You can also use the scraper to remove stubborn grime. Wipe with a dry rag. You can also use the same technique for your baking sheet but let it sit for about 2 to 24 hours depending on how dirty they are. Wash it with water and wipe it dry.
Clean the racks with a steel sponge and wipe it clean.
Bring back the racks inside the oven and attach the back.