How To Clean With Salt

How To Clean With Salt | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube


I am a big fan of salt, I love different kinds of salt and really love using salt for so many things. When I found this awesome video tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube, I just had to try these cool new ideas to clean safely and naturally. There are so many cool ways to clean with salt in this awesome video, and I learned so much! There are several great tutorials in this video, and you will learn how to implement these cleaning methods from start to finish.


Some Things That Can Be Cleaned With Salt:

  • It is super easy to clean cast-iron with salt and a scouring pad. Salt makes the most natural and effective cleaners to clear your precious cast-iron to loosen burned food and eradicate rust.
  • You can get red wine stains out of fabric or carpet by pouring salt straight onto the fresh stain and vacuuming up the next day. I have used this method a lot, it works like magic!
  • Lemon and salt are great for cleaning cutting boards.
  • Lemon and salt are also excellent for cleaning coffee pots.
  • Lemon and salt really clean a stainless steel sink so well.


In this awesome video tutorial by Clean My Space, on YouTube, you will learn so many cool ways to clean with salt. You can get red wine out of just about any fabric using salt.

How To Clean With Salt - Easy Ways To Clean The Kitchen - Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube

Also, you can add salt and water to a dirty skillet and cook on medium heat. That will loosen up burned on food very effectively.


How To Clean With Salt - Easy Ways To Clean The Kitchen - Kitchen Cleaning Hacks
Image By: Clean My Space Via YouTube

These methods are all great!

How To Clean With Salt

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