9 Reasons Your Bathroom Stinks & How to Fix It

9 Reasons Your Bathroom Stinks & How to Fix It | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Clean With Confidence via YouTube


Does your bathroom emit a bad odor even after cleaning it, if it does, then the problem may not be in your bathroom alone, the stink may be coming from the corners or areas that you may have been neglecting or forgetting to clean. Here are 9 reasons your bathroom stinks and how to fix it by Clean With Confidence on YouTube.



  • Shower drain
  • Toilet
  • Poor ventilation


Shower Drain

Taking showers regularly can cause sediments to form over time from shower gels, hair, and dead skin cells. This can also cause your to clog which results in bad odors and slow water drainage. So if you’re taking a shower and your feet are underwater, then it’s time to clean the drain, you can either call a plumber or clean it yourself. If you’re cleaning it by yourself, warm the pipes first with water, then pour down a 50-50 mix of hot water and vinegar, and immediately plug something to block the fizz down the drain. Make sure to keep it plugged in for about 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes, pour some boiling water down the drain to wash it out.

How to Clean Stinky Bathrooms
Image credit: Clean With Confidence via YouTube



It’s very common to have urine gunk right where the toilet seat is attached, to fix this you need to detach the seat from time to time and soak that part of the seat as well as the plastic screws in some hot soapy water, maybe add a little bleach to the mixture, and then reattach the toilet seat. The urine also likes to run down the toilet and get underneath it, so make sure to keep the base of the toilet sealed at all times.

Poor Ventilation

It may not be a plumbing issue but it is still a big deal, bathrooms are typically warm and humid environments so proper ventilation is critical to ensure you don’t have any mold growing around it. Opening your windows is a good idea but it is still highly recommended to leave your shower doors open after taking a shower to allow the steam and humidity to release. It’s also best to have an exhaust vent installed in your bathroom.

Easy Way to Clean Stinky Bathroom
Image credit: Clean With Confidence via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Clean With Confidence via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more!

9 Reasons Your Bathroom Stinks & How to Fix It

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