Pet hair can be stressful, especially if yours shed like crazy. But worry no more, as Clean My Space on Youtube has some life-changing tips on how to deal with pet hair. From cleaning floors to doing laundry, I’m sure you would like to keep them as hair-free as possible. Watch the video below to learn the following and share them with your loved ones. 

#1 Floors

Switch to an electrostatic dust mop for pet hair on hard floors instead of a vacuum. If you have carpets, dust some baking soda over the carpets prior to vacuuming. This will help loosen the hair from the carpet fibers and deodorize at the same time.

Using electrostatic dust mop on cleaning the floor with pet hair
Image credits: Clean My Space via Youtube

#2 Furniture

Before this step, make sure you vacuumed or swept the floors first or hair will just resettle. Now, to deal with the settling of hair on no-upholstered furniture like wood or glass, use a microfiber cloth lightly spritz with water. For hair on upholstery, find something with a bit of a drag into it like a damp clean sponge or dampened rubber glove. Rub the item along with new upholstery. If your pet has a favorite hang-out place, place a washable blanket on the furniture to cover it up. Get your air ducts cleaned annually also.


#3 Pet Bed

If your pet has one, wash it frequently. They are prominent sources of odors.

#4 Laundry

Start by pretreating your clothing before you wash it by placing them into the dryer for ten minutes on a heat-free tumble-only cycle. This will help loosen the hair and soften the fabric which gets rid of hair in preparation for your wash. Once you pull them out, shake the clothing and place each garment into the washing machine and wash as you normally would.

#5 Brush Your Pet

The best way to keep your home hair-free is to brush your pet as often as healthy for them and to bathe them where possible.

Brushing the pet to lessen the hair on furniture
Image credits: Clean My Space via Youtube

How To Clean Pet Hair For Good

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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