How To Clean Dirty Bed Pillows

How To Clean Dirty Bed Pillows | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by eHow via YouTube


Bed pillows can turn yellow over time, and they’re supposed to be washed at least every three months to rid of things such as skin cells, dust mites, moisture, and body oils. This step by step tutorial by eHow on YouTube will show how to clean your dirty bed pillows easily. I need to start cleaning my pillows after watching this video, because more simple than I thought. I try to double coat my pillows with two pillowcases so the interior can stay clean. However, I tend to keep my pillows longer than I should. A tip to see if you should replace your pillows would be folding them in half. When you let go, if they pop back to normal, keep them. If they stay folded, invest in new pillows because it’s time to throw those out.



  • dirty pillows
  • whitening soda
  • laundry detergent
  • lavender essential oils, optional


First, start by running your washing machine on its hottest setting for a large load.

Easy Bedroom Cleaning - How To Wash Yellowed Pillows- DIY Cleaning Tips and Tricks
Image by eHow via YouTube


Next, add a normal full load of laundry detergent to the running water in the washer. Then, add 1/2 a cup of whitening soda to the wash because it will help lift any stains and whiten the pillows. Place up to two pillows into the washer one the detergent and whitening soda has been added. Continue to watch eHow tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details.


Use Whitening Soda To Remove Pillow Stains - How To Clean Yellow Pillows - How To Whiten Pillows
Image by eHow via YouTube

For a fresh and relaxing scent, add about five drops of lavender essential oils to the wash. I love essential oils and lavender is a relaxing scent too. I’ve never thought about throwing my dirty bed pillows in the washer because I’m afraid it’ll damage the interior of the pillow. It’s a simple and easy clean to throw them in the washer and dryer.

How to Clean Pillows on the Bed - How to Wash A Dirty Pillow - DIY bedroom Ideas


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