How To Clean A Pet’s Teeth At Home

How To Clean A Pet’s Teeth At Home | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Pet Circle Via YouTube


Pet’s teeth require tender loving care, the same as people. Many times people are not aware of the urgency to make sure your pet’s oral health is diligently looked after until they are presented with an abscess or some other major problem that will require a vet to operate. Even if you are just taking your dog to the vet for teeth cleaning that just involves plaque removal, the animal will have to go under a general anesthetic and the whole ordeal can cost thousands. I when I was so excited when found this awesome video tutorial by Pet Circle, on YouTube, because I found out so many ways I could help keep my pet’s teeth clean so he may not need the operation variety of cleaning from the vet. Loose teeth, infections, and pain should never be the first reason to start paying attention to your pet’s teeth.


One of the best things you can do is to brush your dog’s teeth every day. I found out you can get toothbrushes that fit over your finger that are really simple to use. The finger method gives you more control over which areas of the mouth you can reach. You may also find the pet is easier to control with this type of finger brush.

Image By: Pet Circle Via YouTube

You can also make sure that your dog has plenty of dental chews, bones, and pig’s ears are great to help keep your dog’s teeth clean as well. They will not clean thoroughly because this is just a quick surface debridement option between brushings. 

Image By: Pet Circle Via YouTube

How To Clean A Pet’s Teeth At Home

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