5 Tips To Keep Your Plants Alive During The Winter

5 Tips To Keep Your Plants Alive During The Winter | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Sheffield Made Plants via Youtube


The Winter season is approaching, and the light levels will also decrease along with it. With this, plants will go into a dormant phase, and you must be ready to take care of them properly. These five tips from Sheffield Made Plants on Youtube will gear your up with proper knowledge for your plants to survive the cold season. Watch the video below to learn these and share it with your co-plant parents. 


#1 Watering

The proper watering technique is crucial for houseplants and even more during fall and winter. If you continue to water your plants once a week in the winter just like you did back in summer, your plants will likely suffer from over-watering. This will lead to root rot and plant death. Never water your plants without checking the soil first. Stick your finger two inches deep into the soil and if it feels wet, leave it a few days and check again.

Correctly watering the plants during the winter to keep them alive
Image credits: Sheffield Made Plants via Youtube

#2 Move closer to the light

Days get shorter and the light is weaker in the winter. This can be problematic for your tropical plants. Move a few of your fussier plants closer to the window for more light. You can also use grow lights to supplement the light from the sun.


#3 Cleaning

Winter is fast approaching and this is the perfect time to give your plants a spring clean. While watering your plants, take time also to inspect them closely to see any signs of pests or any discoloration to the leaves. If the plants are dusty, give them a clean with a cloth and some water.

#4 Watch temperature fluctuations

It’s best to keep the indoor temperature at a minimum of 50 degrees F. If you can, keep your plants away from open doors and windows if you’re going away for an extended period of time.

#5 Pruning

Winter is not the ideal time to prune your plants for shape, this is best done in Spring. Doing this in Winter won’t harm your plant but you won’t see the results of your work until the following Spring. What you can do is prune your plants to keep them clean and tidy and prevent things like disease and pests.

Pruning the plants to keep them clean and healthy during the winter season
Image credits: Sheffield Made Plants via Youtube

5 Tips To Keep Your Plants Alive During The Winter

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