She Pieces Triangles Together And You’ll Love What She Does Next!

She Pieces Triangles Together And You’ll Love What She Does Next! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is one of my all time favorite quilts and it’s actually quite easy to make, which is even better! It takes a little time to put all the pieces together, but it does move pretty fast.


I love making stars for my hexagon star quilt. I made each star from a different fabric, like charm quilts are made. I loved choosing the next one to be sewn. I changed mine up a little from what she does in this tutorial, but it’s pretty much the same concept. It’s unbelievable how simple it is to make six pointed Hexie Stars!

I come from a long line of quilters and the hexagon star quilt has been around for centuries. My Grandmother’s Grandma made these and my Mother has made them, so it’s only natural that I would be doing the same thing!

Quilting is a form of relaxation for me and I actually do a lot of hand stitching while watching TV. I’m so much like my Mother, she’s always gotta be doing something too. It as rare to see my Mother sit and watch TV without doing something else at the same time!

Watch how Jodi Barrows makes this fabulous quilt in her step by step tutorial.


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