Herringbone Quilt With Jenny Doan

Herringbone Quilt With Jenny Doan | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Missouri Star via Youtube


I have herringbone flooring and backsplash at my house, and I wondered if I could also have my own quilt with this pattern. Luckily, I found this herringbone quilt tutorial by Missouri Star. It was so easy to follow – you’ll finish it in no time. Each block is made from half-square triangles and arranged into this beautiful staggered design. Watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 42 pieces of 10″ squares of white
  • 42 pieces of 10″ squares of color
  • 3/4 yards for the border



Step 1:

Get one white and color square. Place it right sides together and sew all around the square with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Repeat for the remaining white and colored squares.

Step 2:

Cut it diagonally in both directions with a ruler and rotary cutter. Take them onto the ironing board, lay the color on top, and press so that the seam allowance is hidden on the dark side. Repeat with the other squares.


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Step 3:

Set aside 12 half-square blocks, then divide the remaining into two piles in pairs. Get two of the same pattern on the first pile, then arrange them so that you make a long diamond. Place them right sides together and sew with a quarter of an inch seam allowance. Get another pattern on the same pile and repeat. Press them open.

Herringbone Quilt With Jenny Doan Tutorial
Image by Missouri Star via Youtube


Step 4:

Repeat step 3 with the other pile but arrange them in the opposite direction.

Step 5:

Sew 7 sets in the same direction to make a column. For the next column, add one of the reserved blocks. It should be in the opposite direction of the first column. Continue down with the sets, then on the bottom, you’ll add another of the reserved blocks. Sew the two columns together. Repeat to make the other columns. You should have 7 sets.

Herringbone Quilt With Jenny Doan Project
Image by Missouri Star via Youtube


Step 6:

Put a 2 1/2-inch border around it. Quilt and enjoy!


Herringbone Quilt With Jenny Doan

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