Want to learn how to sew like a sewing machine? Check this hand sewing tutorial by Sewn Company. This method is called backstitching, and it’s the strongest hand-sewn stitch you can actually do! Read on or watch the video below for full instructions.
- pin
- fabric
- needle and thread
- ruler
- pencil
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Step 1:
Place your fabric on top of each other, right sides together, and pin them. Next, draw a line on your fabric as a guideline. This is recommended for anyone practicing, so you don’t have to think about where the needle is headed.
Step 2:
If you are right-handed, you are going to stitch right to left. Pick up your fabric and take your needle. From the underside, push your needle perpendicularly through the fabric about a stitch away from the edge. Pull it until the knot locks in place.
Step 3:
Go back to where the stitch is going to begin. Dip the needle down into the fabric and progress forward on the other side of the tail. Push it through. Now go back to the stitch that you just did. You can put it through the same hole or right next to the hole. Push it down to the fabric and gently rock it up to the same distance. Pick the needle up again. Continue stitching until the end of the fabric. Be sure to pull it tight enough that it sets the stitch into the fabric.
Step 4:
To knot off your stitching line, go as though you are making one more stitch, but instead of progressing forward, push the needle down perpendicular to the other side of the material. Pull it through and flip it over. Take a tiny bit out of the fabric and the thread underneath and take a stitch. Do not pull it all the way – put the needle through that loop twice. Next, put the needle between the stitches and the fabric just to hide the tail.