Grilled Cheesy Potato Volcanoes Recipe

Grilled Cheesy Potato Volcanoes Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Tasty via Youtube


]These tasty potato recipes from Tasty on YouTube are the perfect holiday side dish or appetizer you surely do not want to miss out on. It’s also perfect for backyard cookouts as it’s so easy to make. I personally like this recipe as an appetizer and serve it whenever I host gatherings in my home. It’s truly one of my favorite potato dishes, and I’m sure your family will fall in love with these mini volcanoes! Try them today and see for yourself. Watch the video below to learn the step by step instructions. Thanks to Tasty or this fantastic potato recipe. Make sure to check the channel for more recipes just like this.



  • 6 large russet potatoes
  • 3 cups cheddar cheese, divided
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 1 cup green onions, chopped
  • 12 slices of bacon


  • sour cream
  • green onions


Step 1

Preheat the grill to 400 degrees F. Next, wash the potatoes thoroughly and poke a few holes around each potato, then wrap them with aluminum foil. Grill at 4oo degrees F for 20 minutes. In the meantime, make the filling. Combine 1 1/2 cups of cheddar cheese, 8 oz cream cheese, and 1 cup of chopped green onions in a medium bowl and mix well. Back to the potatoes, once 20 minutes is up, remove them from the grill and let them rest until they’re cool enough to handle.

Grilling the potatoes for the potato volcanoes recipe
Image credits: Tasty via Youtube


Step 2

Now, cut the top and bottom of the potato and scoop out the inside. Then, fill it up with the filling mixture, then wrap two slices of bacon around the potato, securing them with a toothpick. Repeat these steps with the remaining potatoes, then put them back on the grill and cook for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F. After 30 minutes, top each with cheddar cheese and grill for an additional 15 minutes. Serve and enjoy!

Grilling the potato volcanoes
Image credits: Tasty via Youtube

Grilled Cheesy Potato Volcanoes Recipe

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