Ginger Lemon Ice Cubes (For Hot or Cold Drinks)

Ginger Lemon Ice Cubes (For Hot or Cold Drinks) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by modest little kitchen via Youtube


This ginger lemon ice cube recipe by modest little kitchen is an absolute treat. I put this in hot water to make tea during the cold seasons and in sparkling water for a refreshing drink in the summer. You can add honey to make it a little bit sweet and not too bitter. It’s super healthy and good for you. Drink this whenever you have flu or a cold!



  • five organic lemons
  • one big piece of ginger
  • one cup of water


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Step 1:

Thoroughly wash the skin of the lemon to remove any dirt and dust. Once done, wipe them dry with a clean cloth.

Step 2:

Peel the skin of the ginger. You can use a knife to peel it off, but you can also use a spoon. Just scrape the edge of it against the ginger. After removing the skin, cut them into small cubes.

Step 3:

Using a peeler, remove the zest from the lemons. Try not to include the white part as much as possible, as it can be a bit bitter. Set them aside on a plate. Cut the lemons in half, squeeze the juice, and remove any seeds. You need approximately 1 cup of lemon juice.

Ginger Lemon Ice Cubes (For Hot or Cold Drinks) Recipe
Image by modest little kitchen via Youtube

Step 4:

In a blender, add lemon zest, lemon juice, ginger cubes, and one cup of water. Blend until smooth.

Ginger Lemon Ice Cubes (For Hot or Cold Drinks) Ingredients
Image by modest little kitchen via Youtube

Step 5:

You can drink it right away, but you can also make frozen cubes. Pour into your ice cube tray and place in the freezer for a few hours. You can use one cube for a hot drink or you can also add it to sparkling water.


If you like this simple recipe, make sure to check modest little kitchen’s Youtube channel for more. They also have great dishes that you should check out. 

Ginger Lemon Ice Cubes (For Hot and Cold Drinks)

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