Ants are unwelcome guests in any garden or home, and they can be very hard to get rid of. The best way to rid the home of these unwanted pests is to use natural solutions, so I was really happy to find this wonderful video tutorial by Fraser Valley Roll Farm, on YouTube, that describes how to get rid of ants by making a clever trap. I had never realized that you could get rid of these pesky critters using ingredients that are perfectly safe for humans and pets, but this video tutorial was a real wake-up call. All you will need is an old Cool Whip container, a drill, and a waffle covered in sugar water. This creates a trap that the ants get caught up in and they won’t leave the waffle. There are many other ways to get rid of ants, like leaving orange peels around places where the ants hang out is a huge deterrent. If you spray your countertops and sinks with lemon juice or lemon-scented cleaner, those bothersome ants will steer clear of those areas. Also, a sprinkling of cinnamon around the entry points will completely disrupt their travel plans!

Materials For The DIY Ant Trap:

  • A Cool Whip Tub
  • A Drill
  • A piece of waffle
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of water


In this wonderful video tutorial by Fraser Valley Roll Farm, on YouTube, you will learn to make this clever ant trap in a few easy steps. You start by drilling holes into the Cool Whip jug. The holes are how the ants crawl in when they smell the sugar and waffle.

How To Get Rid Of Ants Easy - DIY Ant Trap - Ant Bait Ideas
Image By: Fraser Valley Rose Farm

Then, you will set the waffle piece inside, and pour the sugar syrup over it.


Ant Deterrent - How To Make An Ant Trap - Easy DIY Ant Trap
Image By: Fraser Valley Rose Farm

This trap is a great idea, it works really well.

Get Rid Of Ants Fast And Easy

Stephanie Hicks | DIY JOY



Since I lover experiments, I’ve alwaysnloved to create, paint, as well as cook and style food. I feel in love with DIY as soon as I discovered it and could not have been more excited when I learned I could share projects with people around the world. Taking photos is a passion of mine, as is design and painting with oils. I love holidays and celebrations, crafting cute little gifts and serving up at least one new recipe I am excited about.

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