Do you notice those little flying insects roaming around your fruits or vegetables? Those are called fruit flies. They are attracted to the aroma of fermenting produce. Aside from fruits and vegetables, they are also drawn to drains, garbage disposals, and trash containers, where there is a fermenting material. These insects breed rapidly and can even lay 500 eggs!
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If you are having trouble getting rid of fruit flies in your kitchen, try this genius fly trap by The Millennial Gardener. It is simple yet effective. I have tried it several times, and it always works.
You only need two ingredients to make this DIY fruit fly trap solution– dish soap and fruit-based vinegar. Aside from the two, you will also need a shot glass. You’ll quickly see the results after a few days! No more fruit flies in your kitchen.
Here’s another insect hack for you: Get Rid of Most Insects Around Your Home Using This Trick
What You Need to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
- dish soap
- sweet fruit-based vinegar of your choice (you can use balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, or apple cider vinegar)
- shot glass
- new bananas
How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Step 1:
Remove susceptible fruits from the counter.
Step 2:
Fill the shot glass up to the rim with the fruit-based vinegar.
Step 3:
Add a drop or two of dish soap into the vinegar.

Step 4:
Fill it with the vinegar to the surface tension level.

Step 5:
Place it in the area where you see fruit flies.
Step 6:
Add new bananas on the side. These are not yet susceptible to fruit flies but the scent may draw them over.
Step 7:
Check the shot glass every morning and refill it if it evaporates.