Image By: Poor Man's Gourmet Kitchen Via YouTube
If you are a salsa lover like me, you are probably familiar with fire-roasted salsa. I found one of the best fire-roasted salsa video recipe tutorials by Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen on YouTube, and it has taken the place of all my other salsa recipes. This salsa is so rich and savory, and it doesn’t have an inkling of the acidic vinegar taste that much commercial sala has. It seems crazy that one small step, like grilling your ingredients could make such a drastic improvement in the flavor of your hot sauce, but it really does taste a lot better.
In this fire-roasted salsa video recipe tutorials by Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen on YouTube, you will learn to make its salsa in a few simple steps. You begin by roasting your tomatoes, onions, and all peppers on the grill or you can cook them in the oven.
Then, you will peel all of your vegetables and roughly chop them with a knife. Then, you will add all the ingredients to a food processor and pulse chop until your desired consistency is reached.
This recipe is so delicious, it really has become the only sala recipe I make now.