3 Tips To Find The Grainline On Any Fabric With No Selvage

3 Tips To Find The Grainline On Any Fabric With No Selvage | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube


As a beginner in sewing, finding the grainline on any fabrics without selvage can be pretty hard. So if you’re a beginner like me, these three tips on how to find grainline in any fabric from Evelyn Wood on Youtube are super helpful. Watch the video below to learn these fantastic tips. 


#1 Look for the yarn direction

Take a closer look because of you look closely, you can see that the grain shifts differently. Look for the direction that the garment or fabric will sort of stretch and move in by stretching the garment in every direction lightly.

Lightly pulling the fabric in every direction to determine the grainline
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube


#2 Fraying out the edges

Take a closer look at one of your cut edges and start fraying out the yarn until you get them forming a straight line. Some fray out easier than others but after fraying out a while, you can see that you’re starting to get that straight line that is perfectly on grain and that is your grainline.

#3 Tear down your fabric

Another trick is if you’ve got a large enough fabric that you’re willing to sacrifice a little bit of, you can simply snip down one edge (this only works for woven fabrics and lighter ones, heavy ones can be tricky) or tear down and where that tear is exactly one of those yarns of line. Now, you have to sacrifice a little bit because you will stretch out the fabric by tearing so you can’t really use that very edge anymore.

Tearing down the fabric to determine the grainline
Image credits: Evelyn Wood via Youtube

3 Tips To Find The Grainline On Any Fabric With No Selvage

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