Image Credit: Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube
There are a lot of tutorials on the internet that shows you different ways to cut a mango, but perhaps my favorite way of dicing it is how Andrea Jean Cleaning on YouTube does it. It is fast and easy, plus, not an ounce of mango flesh is wasted.
Step 1
The first thing that you have to do is to cut off a little bit of the top of your mango so that you can have a nice and sturdy base to work with. Your mango has two cheeks, one side that’s wider, and the other one smaller. Place the mango with its cut and flat end facing down the chopping board (a little tip, you can place your chopping board on top of a cloth or towel just so they don’t move or slide around), then cut off the cheeks of the mango getting as much flesh off the pit as you can.
Step 2
Peel down the skin off the pit of the mango to not waste any flesh, then cut around the pit to take as much flesh as you can, and cut the pieces however you want to or you can dice them and add them to your salsa if you’re planning to make one. Now, get the cheek of your mango, then slice the fresh in a nice criss-cross pattern but not all the way to the skin, and then open the mango to expose the cut flesh. You can either pull it out or cut it through with a knife. Another way that you can cut a mango cheek is by simply cutting it first in half lengthwise, then slicing the flesh right off from the skin, and either dice or slice them into strips.
*These amazing images are all credited to Andrea Jean Cleaning via YouTube. Check her other content and follow for more!