3 Easy Ways to Fold a Towel Like Pros Do

3 Easy Ways to Fold a Towel Like Pros Do | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube


Do you want to save some space in your towel closet? If you do, I have a space-saving hack for you! Here are 3 easy ways to fold a towel like pros do by Clean Freak & Germaphobe. I have always wondered why towels in hotels look so fluffy and compact. They always look nice on the open shelves, right? To satisfy my curiosity, I looked for video tutorials on YouTube and found these techniques.


RELATED: Space Saving Towel Folding Technique

Turns out we can make our regular towels look like the ones in hotels with just the proper folding technique. The steps are actually easy to follow.  You can finish one in just a few seconds once you get used to it. They are more stackable and presentable when folded this way compared to how we mostly do it. You can also do this for your decorative towels if you have them at home.

For more towel-folding techniques, check DIY Bath Towel Teddy Bear Tutorial, How to Fold a Cloth Napkin Into a Rose in 72 Seconds, or this DIY Cupcake Towel.

1. Stand up method

Fold your towel in half crosswise. Next, fold it in thirds lengthwise. The left side first towards the middle, then the right side to the middle. Lastly, fold it in half.

2. Compact method

Lay your towel on a flat surface. Fold it in half crosswise and match up the edges. Flatten it out. Fold in thirds crosswise. Start by folding the edge towards the center, then followed by the folded edge. Lastly, fold into thirds.

How to Make Fold a Towel
Image by Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube

3. Decorative method

Lay your towel flat and smoothen it out. Take one corner and fold it into a triangle. Next, take the square edge on the same side of the corner that you took earlier, and fold it in half towards the other edge. Turn it over. Start rolling from the straight end toward the pointed end. Take the end of the triangle and tuck it in the roll.

How to fold a decorative towel
Image by Clean Freak & Germaphobe via YouTube



3 Easy Ways to Fold a Towel Like Pros Do

3 Easy Ways to Fold a Towel like the Pros Do

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