It is so frustrating when our toilet at home gets clogged. I usually grab a plunger to unclog it so the water runs smoothly again. I am not a big fan of this tool, as it can be really messy sometimes, especially when the bowl is already full of water. Good thing – I have found this easy trick by Smart Fox on how to unclog a toilet with cling wrap. I was definitely blown away by this hack. It’s super easy to do, cheap and will save you a lot of energy too. All you need is to seal your toilet boil with cling film and do a little push, and that’s it – fast and simple.

Materials You Need to Unclog Toilet Without Plunger

  •  cling wrap


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Step 1:

Start by putting the toilet seat up and cleaning the sides of your toilet. You want it to be from dust and dry before putting the cling wrap.

Easy Trick to Unclog Your Toilet With Cling Wrap Hack
Image by Smart Fox via Youtube

Step 2:

Grab the cling film and wrap it from one side to the other. Make sure that you stick it to the bowl on both sides. Do several layers until the whole toilet bowl is covered with cling film. You want to do it as tightly as possible as you want to create pressure.

Easy Trick to Unclog Your Toilet With Cling Wrap Tip
Image by Smart Fox via Youtube

Step 3:

Flush the toilet. Once you notice the plastic has inflated, press down on the cling film using both hands to push the air down to force the clog out. This works as it mimics how plungers work by sealing the drain opening and creating a vacuum. That’s why when you press it with your hands, the pressure goes against the opening of the trap way.

Step 4:

Take the cling film from the toilet bowl, and give it another flush. Now it’s unclogged.


Easy Trick To Unclog Toilet With Cling Wrap


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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