How to Choose the Juiciest Lemon & Lime Every Time

How to Choose the Juiciest Lemon & Lime Every Time | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Limoneira and Food Chain TV via YouTube


Lemon and lime are used in a lot of recipes either food or beverage and they can make anything taste fresh and delicious. They also have a lot of health benefits and they are super easy to consume because they are already so good as is. But when it comes to picking lemon and lime you have to make sure that you just don’t pick them at random but you get to choose those that have the best quality in order to get the most juice out of the fruit. Here are some handy tips and hacks by Limoneira and Food Chain TV on YouTube that you can use to make sure that you pick the juiciest lemon and lime.



How to Pick Juicy Lime and Lemons

Look for lemons with thinner skin and small blemishes because they have more juice than those with thicker skin. You should also consider their colors because bright yellow lemons and full green limes are ripe, make sure not to pick lemons with some green on them, or lime with some yellow on them. Gently squeeze the fruit but not too hard and you should be able to feel their juiciness and also check the weight, if feels more light then it might not have enough juice in it.

How to Store Lime and Lemons
Image credit: Limoneira via YouTube


How to Store Lime and Lemons

Make sure to put the lime and lemon in a large bowl with good air circulation, then place them in the counter at room temperature, and store them for about 3 to 5 days. If you want to store them in the fridge, then make sure to put them loosely in a drawer or inside a breathable bag, and store them for up to a month. Once ready to use the limes and lemons, make sure to rinse them under running water, then scrub the skin well before using them, and make sure to use them when they are at room temperature to maximize the juiciness.

How to Pick Juicy Lime and Lemons
Image credit: Limoneira via YouTube


*All image credit belongs to Limoneira and Food Chain TV via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to their channel for more!

How to Choose the Juiciest Lemon & Lime Every Time

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