Super Easy Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots Recipe

Super Easy Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Delish via YouTube


A fun party wouldn’t be complete without delicious Jell-O shots, and if you can’t choose from all the flavors and options that you can make, check out this recipe by Delish on YouTube, and give it a try.


RELATED: 6-Ingredient Margarita Jell-O Shots Recipe

I guarantee you that your guests will surely give you compliments because these Jell-O shots are so fruity and simply delicious that they just would want to go for seconds. Learn how to make this now and see for yourself!

Ingredients for Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots:

  • 3 navel oranges
  • 4oz of grenadine
  • 2oz of maraschino cherry juice
  • 2 packs of plain gelatin
  • Tequila

How to Make Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots:

How to Make Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots
Image credit: Delish via YouTube

Step 1

Cut the oranges in half, then scrape out the inside of the fruit using a spoon, and transfer the flesh to a wire-mesh strainer set over a bowl. Press the orange flesh down to drain the juice until you have about 6 ounces, then set them aside, and place the hollowed orange halves in a muffin tin.

Step 2

Place a small saucepan on a stove over low heat, then add 2 ounces of orange juice, and pour in the grenadine and maraschino cherry juice. Give them a good whisk to combine, then add the gelatin and let it bloom for about 30 seconds, and then whisk them to dissolve.

Step 3

Pour the mixture evenly onto the orange halves, then place them in the refrigerator, and let them chill for about 30 minutes until set and slightly firm. Rinse the saucepan and put it back on the stove, then add in the remaining 4 ounces of orange juice along with the other gelatin, stir them well until dissolved, and turn off the heat.

Step 4

Remove the saucepan from the stove, then add in the tequila, and give them a good stir to combine. Pour the mixture on top of the first layer of Jell-O you poured earlier, then put the back in the refrigerator, and let them continue to chill for about 4 more hours or until fully set. Slice them into wedges, then serve, and enjoy!

Easy Party Jell-O Shots Recipe
Image credit: Delish via YouTube

Super Easy Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots Recipe

*All image credit belongs to Delish via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to their channel for more! 

Super Easy Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots Recipe

Super Easy Tequila Sunrise Jell-O Shots Recipe

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