Easy Potato Cleaning Hack

Easy Potato Cleaning Hack | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: DaveHax Via YouTube


Cleaning and peeling potatoes can be a very time-consuming and tedious task, but when I saw this awesome potato peeling hack by DaveHax, on YouTube, I knew this awesome idea was just what I needed. his method of peeling potatoes is so easy and really not as messy as flicking potato peels everywhere. All you need to do is to make one circular cut around each potato skin and boil. When the potato skin starts to soften and separate, remove it from the heat drain and rinse. Your potato skin will just slide off!


Materials For The Easy Potato Cleaning Hack:

  • Potatoes
  • A knife
  • A pot
  • Water


In this awesome potato peeling hack by DaveHax, on YouTube, you will learn to peel your potatoes in the easiest way possible. All you need to do is to make one circular cut around each potato skin and boil. When the potato skin starts to soften and separate, remove it from the heat drain and rinse. Your potato skin will just slide off in a way that is absolutely magical.

Image By: DaveHax Via YouTube

Then the skin will peel away so easily!


Image By: DaveHax Via YouTube

This easy potato peeling method changed my life!

Easy Potato Cleaning Hack

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