Are there a lot of rats roaming freely around your house and you want to get rid of them for good, but don’t want to use toxic or harmful chemicals? Don’t worry because I’ve got the perfect solution to your problems! This homemade rat poison by HomeDIYTips on YouTube is an effective and inexpensive alternative to store-bought rat-repellent products.

RELATED: How to Get Rid of Rats Using Toothpaste

You only need some baking soda and grated cheese to make this rat poison and those ingredients might already be available in your kitchen which makes it even more convenient. The cheese will lure the rats to the trap and the baking soda is what’s going to be the cause of their end because it’s an ingredient that rats cannot digest properly.

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What You’ll Need for Homemade Rat Poison:

  • Baking soda
  • Grated cheese
  • Small plastic containers

How to Make Rat Poison:

What You'll Need for Homemade Rat Poison
Image credit: HomeDIYTips via YouTube

Grab a container, then add about 4 tablespoons of baking soda, and add about 1 tablespoon of grated cheese. Mix them together until well combined, then divide them into small containers adding 1 tablespoon each. Place the rat poison in strategic areas where rats usually roam, then make sure that these spots or corners are reachable so that you can easily remove the dead rats. Consider using odor neutralizers or air fresheners to help mask or get rid of smell, then make sure to properly handle the dead rats in a way that your health and hygiene will not be compromised.

How to Make Rat Poison
Image credit: HomeDIYTips via YouTube

Easy Homemade Rat Poison Tutorial

*Thanks to HomeDIYTips via YouTube for all the images used here. If you love this hack, then you’ll surely love her other videos too, so give her channel a visit and subscribe!

Easy Homemade Rat Poison Tutorial


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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